Becoming Your Warrior

Ep2 - Resistance will only slow you down

February 12, 2022 Emma Ritchie Season 1 Episode 2

The only thing that slows you down from creating the life you want is resistance.

Resistance comes in many shapes and sizes
Not trusting yourself or your instincts
Negative self talk
Focusing on others and others problems
Thinking about a negative situation or person in your past
Holding onto limiting beliefs about yourself that are just not true ie I'm not loved, I'm not good enough, I'm not worthy, people always leave me.

As you remove resistance, you rapidly power towards the life you want. The freedom, the calm, the ease, the relationships, the wealth, the health

It's magic!

Em x

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Welcome to the Becoming Your Warrior podcast. This is the place where you get to feel inspired and empowered to step into your very best life.


Hey, hey guys, from a very wet day in Sydney, you might be able to hear some rain in the background. It's kind of nice, actually. This is Em, this is episode two. And it's kind of the perfect day to talk about what we're going to talk about, which is the word and the feeling, which is resistance. Now, I mentioned this in episode one. And this is important that we cover this ground really early on, because resistance is something that is going to come up as we work through this process as we journey through this journey together. And so just to put it into perspective, and I’d like to give you a kind of a physical understanding of resistance.

Just imagine for me now that you're in a spin class or a cycling class, and you are absolutely tanking it, you're going 100 miles an hour, you're in race mode, you can see the kilometers, just adding up on the device in front of you. And you know, you're just going for it, whatever your goal is, you are channeling there at the speed of light. And suddenly, the instructor says to the right, turn up your resistance by 30%. And you turn it up and straightaway, your legs start to slow down, you maybe have to get out of your seat, you maybe have to get out of your saddle, and you have to work and grind and work 30% more. And then again, the instructor says add more, add more. And it's like, it's almost like you're just cycling through mud, it's so hard and it has completely slowed you down from where you want to be. 

And resistance.

That's a physical explanation of it, but in an emotional way. And in a vision of your life kind of way, if you have a goal in your mind, or if you have a vision, we're going to do a lot of work about this. But if you have a vision for how you want to be, how you want to feel the relationships, you want to be in the kind of career or the wealth that you want to bring in the health that you want to bring in, you've got that vision, so the desire is there. 

But resistance will slow you down. And what I mean by that is, when you know what you want, when you have that desire there, it is so easy to make that happen. But what we do as humans is we add in resistance. And resistance comes in the form of self-doubt. It comes in the form of not listening or trusting your instincts. It comes in the form of negative self-talk negative self-belief, I don't deserve somebody who loves me, no one's ever loved me in my life, why should they know I don't deserve more money, because I don't think I'm worth it, I, I won't speak up, or I'll put other people before me. 

Or it might be that you give so much attention to other people or so much attention to an experience that was really negative that caused you a lot of harm or hurt in the past. And that might be connected to a person, or it might be connected to a situation. And the more that you focus on these things, that is resistance that is holding you back from the vision that you want from the life that you want. And so resistance is something we are covering at this stage right now because it is going to come up because whenever you make a decision to make some changes, whenever you decide to transform whenever you go for what it is that you want, resistance is going to come in and it's going to try and slow you down and stop you from getting there. And it comes in the form of negative thinking. 

So there's so much I mean, there's so much I want to tell you, there's so much I want to share with you, but I've got to drip feed it. Otherwise, these podcasts are going to be 20 hours long. So basically, we are going to do a lot of work on thoughts we're going to do a lot of work on limiting beliefs and where they come from. 

But for now, I want you to understand that every time you think negative thoughts towards yourself, every time you think a negative thought to anyone else, or anytime you really focus on an event in the past that has caused you pain or discomfort or hurt in any way you are adding resistance to your life. Now, in the next few episodes, we're definitely going to work on the vision that you want for your life. That's going to be really exciting. I love doing this. But just know with that vision, what we want to do is add desire. But we really need to add really positive thinking, really positive intentions towards what it is that you want in your life. So just know resistance is a part of life it's going to creep in but what we're going to do is we're going to fine tune it and I'd like you to start doing this today. 

Every time you Feel a negative emotion in your body, it might be that you feel stressed. It might be that you feel anxious, it might be that you feel jealous, it might be that you feel depressed or anxious every time you feel that there is a thought or a pattern of thoughts that comes right before that feeling. And so you can actually train your mind, you can actually train and control the direction of your life by feeling into what is going on in your body. And if you feel bad, what that is, is you out of alignment with how you actually feel, how that warrior, that source energy, that inner part of you actually feels about you. And that's why it feels bad. And that's why it slows you down. 

Because inside your warrior knows exactly who you are, they know that you are loved, they know that you are worthy, they know that you are valued. And every time you go against that thinking, that is why you feel a negative emotion because you are out of alignment. So the quickest way, and the fastest way to come back into alignment is to have maybe one or two thoughts about yourself that are really, really good. And it might just be something really simple. 

Like,I love it. When I see the sun come up, I love the fact that it's daylight, or I love the way that my dog is so excited to see me or I love the way that I am able to just say to myself, right in this moment, I am enough 10 times until I feel better. And just watch. As soon as you change your thinking, it can be the simplest thing. As soon as you change your thinking, the feeling in your body will change. And that is what life is about: life is about feeling good. 

So whatever you do, just remember this, your thoughts will become feelings and your feelings, the feeling you want to be going to always is a feeling of feeling good. So the faster that you can get on top of your thoughts, the faster that you can change your thoughts and only think about you in this moment, I just want you to really remember, this is about you. It's about prioritizing you. And so when you change the way that you think I want you to think about how you feel in this situation, it might be you remember a really funny time when your best friend in the world made you laugh so hard. And that's your go to thought whenever you feel negative, that's your go to thought and just notice how that feeling changes in your body. It's so powerful. And as we get better and better and better at this, I can't even tell you how many good things that are going to happen because you are going to come back into alignment, the resistance is going to reduce, and that is going to get you faster and quicker to the life that you want. And it's gonna get you feeling good right now. And that's what life's about. 

So just remember, have a go to thought one or two thoughts that make you feel good every time you're feeling a little bit negative. Every time you're feeling a little bit low, every time you're feeling just a little bit out of sorts, go to that thought and watch instantly how you feel and how quickly you can change that feeling in your body and get into a feel good state. So leaving that one with you today. Resistance was really important to cover at this stage, we are going to move very rapidly into creating an amazing vision for your life and what you want. And that is going to start in the very next episode we're going to build you up from the ground up. It's going to be awesome. So I will see you. I will probably just talk to you maybe the next episode, but until then just look after yourself and just know that now is your time.


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