Becoming Your Warrior

S2 Ep3 - Now you know what you already knew - Trust your intuition

Emma Ritchie Season 2 Episode 3

Ever felt an unexplained gut feeling, a hunch, or a quiet voice nudging you in a particular direction? Well, that's your intuition! Join me, Em, to explore the importance of our intuition. We will dive into its role as our internal GPS, guiding us away from the brink of potentially harmful choices while affirming when something aligns with our true essence. We'll address the challenge of low self-worth that often leads us to disregard this powerful inner voice and how to navigate it.

Packed with insights, our upcoming show empowers you to trust your intuition for better decision-making and leading a more conscious life. We will equip you with the knowledge to discern between beneficial and detrimental intuitive decisions and build confidence in your internal guidance. Don't miss out on this transformational journey, as we also focus on aligning our instincts-driven choices with our values and aspirations. Remember, this isn't a solitary journey - we are all together. So, share this adventure with your loved ones who may need some inspiration, and let's step into our best lives together.


With Love,

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0:00:01 - Speaker 1
Welcome to the Becoming Your Warrior podcast. This is the place where you get to feel inspired and empowered to step into your very best life. Hey, hey, this is Em. This is episode three of season two of the Becoming Your Warrior podcast. As I've mentioned in the previous episodes, this season is 100% dedicated to helping you reconnect with yourself and reconnect with your self-worth and start living a worthy life. As always, I am on the journey with you. So everything that I'm talking about I have lived experience of and I am doing the work and constantly growing and evolving, and I'm super excited that you're here with me. 

Today's episode is called Now, you know what you Already Knew, and that sounds very cryptic, but it is all about your intuition. So your intuition is the feeling that you have and I'm going to talk about this a lot more in detail in the next episode in regards to your body and your feeling body. But just to summarize, your intuition is that feeling that you have. It's almost like your internal guidance system, and when something feels right, you really kind of just get this sense of like yeah, absolutely, go for it, just go for it. It might be that you're going to buy a house, it might be to go for a job, it might be to go on a second date or a third date or marry somebody. You've just got this feeling that this is it. This feels absolutely right and it's just like everything inside of you is lining up. Your intuition is also there to save your ass. So your intuition, as I've covered before in previous episodes in season one, is there to prevent you from walking down that dodgy little alleyway, even though it's going to take two minutes as opposed to 20 minutes to get home. Your intuition is the thing that says no, don't go out tonight. And then you find out there's been some sort of horrible accident on the road where you were meant to go. Your intuition is the thing that tells you that, no, don't reply to that you know abusive text message or that horrible text message that you received. You're worth more. So your intuition is there to guide you. 

But we have all and I'm sure you can absolutely agree with me had situations in our lives where we've gone against our intuition. And when you have lower self-worth, it's very normal for you to go against your intuition because it's there and it's in your stomach, but you're so busy in your thinking, head upstairs in your brain, thinking about what's going to make other people happy and putting other people on the pedestal and not putting yourself first, that you are disconnected from your body. And again, we're going to cover that in the next episode, but for now, I want you just to remember this phrase, which is now you know what you already knew. And what I want to really drill home with this one is you know deep inside your body, you know what is good for you, you know what is right for you, you know deep down the kind of life that you want to be living. You know deep down that you have all the wisdom that you need inside of you, and, as I've just already mentioned, there's a fog in the way of that. And so when I say now you know what you already knew, I'm referring to what I would call mistakes. And you know again, mistakes are just lessons that we haven't learned yet. So you're, if you think about like the biggest mistake you've made in your life, or the biggest heart, or the biggest heartbreak, or the biggest misunderstanding that you've kind of ever had, and you really focus on that, there would have been signs before that. 

And people as a rule, as soon as you meet people, they will tell you everything you need to know about them the first time that you meet them. Like you will get a sense of if somebody is a good person, you'll get a sense of. If someone's a bit insecure, you'll get a sense of it. If someone's telling lies, you'll get a sense that someone's putting on a facade, a brave face. But what will determine whether you continue to spend time with that person is your own self-worth and if you're listening to your intuition and some of my biggest I wouldn't say mistakes because I've learned from them now but some of the biggest things that I've learned from have been the times when I've gone against my intuition, and especially for me, as I've already mentioned, in intimate relationships, when I've met somebody and I've been like I don't know, there's just something a little bit off about about them, but you know they were so great in other ways and so the red flags have been there and I have gone against my intuition and even though I felt the red flag and I felt it deep in my, in my core and I was kind of like, oh, what they just said then doesn't really align with who I am, I've gone against it and always, always it back flashes and so out of those situations, now I know what I already knew, which was as soon as that person has said something, as soon as that person has acted or behaved in a way where I felt it deep in my stomach. 

I ignored it, but I knew then. I knew then what I know now. And so now you know what you already knew. And this is such a good phrase because it helps you just to again forgive yourself and kind of go. Well, I already knew it, and all I was doing was going against my intuition, and my intuition was there all the time. So if I can just start listening to my intuition a little bit more, if I can just start tuning in with my intuition and actually following that and shutting down all the other you know things I'm saying to myself in my head that shut my intuition down, then how much faster can I get to where I want to be, how much easier is my life going to be, how much speedier can all the things that I want come to me in my life. And nothing is really a mistake as long as you're learning from it. And, like I said, it's about forgiving yourself for those things because you didn't know them. What you know now, you know. So, yeah, so just focus on that a little bit more, going forward, and the fact that your intuition is. 

It's not like the universe is against you. The universe isn't trying to test you. The universe is sending you these events and these people in your life to help you expand and grow. It's trying to say, when are you going to really take this lesson on? When are you going to really listen to what it is I'm sending you? Because the universe and your guidance system are your instinct, it is your gut instinct that's. It's like this I don't know this inbuilt guidance system, and when we don't listen to it, that's when we kind of come unstuck. That's when not very pleasant things happen. That's when we go off track a little bit, and then we just have to work a little bit harder to get back on track. But no one's out to get you. The universe isn't out to get you. It just wants you to expand and grow, and it just really wants you to come back to self-worth. It wants you to come back to the source of where you came from, which is absolute love, absolute self-love, and absolute self-worth, and so that's what this is about. 

So, when you look back at these events in your life where you've gone against your instincts, and like I said, we've all done it I want you just to think about that sentence now. Now you know what you already knew. You already knew something felt wrong. You already knew something didn't quite feel right, but you went against it. And what is the thing that caused you to go against it? That is your mind. Your mind is just this ego, it's just this like a complete computer program of all your life experiences that are telling you that. 

No, but you know, this person is ticking all these green flags and just because they've said this thing doesn't mean anything, they've got all these other things going for it. No, that's not true as long as your intuition is kicking in and going mrrr, mrrr, mrrr, red flag. It doesn't matter how many green flags this person has; they've got one red flag. And don't get in the habit of collecting red flags, you only need one, and one is enough to walk away from. Okay, I'm not promoting; just ditching people. And you know, just not giving people a chance. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying when there's a red flag involved, you have absolute permission to get the heck out of there. That is not your job to sort that out, that is their job to sort that out, and you don't need that responsibility. So if somebody ever says to you things like I'm not emotionally available, if somebody says something to you which just doesn't feel right, if you catch somebody lying early on if you know yeah, I'm talking like major red flags here. I'm talking about things where you like something is off with this person, and I can't quite put my finger on it, and I have mentioned this before. 

But there's a really incredible author called Robert Green. It's Green's belt gr E, e, n E. He wrote like the art of seduction. He wrote the art of war. He's written several best sellers. He's a real study of humans and human behavior, and he basically says like somebody will show you and tell you exactly who they are. Literally in your first meeting, in the first few minutes, you will get a sense of somebody, and if somebody is carrying around a red flag with them, if there is something a bit red flagged about someone, they will generally tell you that pretty straight on. 

You just have to watch anything like married at first sight and just watch the guys that you know turn out to be, you know the biggest narcissist and you watch them at their weddings, at the very beginning, and you're just like, oh my goodness, like the grandiose of them. You know, like the way they behaved or disrespect to the other. You know their brides, families, it's there. So that saying now you know what you already knew is really about again forgiving yourself. But it's about trusting your intuition and understanding. When you get that feeling in your stomach, trust it. You don't have to make excuses; you don't have to try and think your way out of it. You have to trust that feeling and go, Okay, what is this? Why have I felt this Like? What is this inside of me? Or what is it that they said the second that my stomach flipped, or the second that my stomach started to do weird things, or the second that I started to feel a little bit anxious around this person? What is it that they did? Because it's not you, it's your body responding in an attempt to try and save you and try and guide you away from this person or away from this situation. So trust your body Again. 

The next episode is going to go into that in a lot more detail. It's really really good episode, the next episode. So jump on into that in the next few days when it's released, and until then, I'm sending you so much love, so excited to be on this journey with you, and have an amazing morning, afternoon, evening, wherever you are. Lots of love. Thanks for listening today and if this episode helped or inspired you, just remember to share it to friends or family who could also use some inspiration. Today, we are all about sharing the love. 

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