Becoming Your Warrior

S2 Ep9 Do you want a life of passion and Self-Worth?

Emma Ritchie Season 2 Episode 9

Hey You x

Join me, Em, in this inspiring exploration of passion and self-worth on the Becoming Your Warrior podcast. I’ll guide you on identifying what truly sparks your joy and how to bring it into your daily life. With anecdotes from my personal experiences, I encourage you to think back to your younger years, rediscover what made your heart sing, and take the necessary steps to rekindle those passions. Listen in as I share an inspiring story about a friend who followed his heart and is living his dream on the other side of the world.

We’ll also discuss the critical role of self-worth and self-love in living a fulfilled life. Get ready to embrace the idea that you deserve a life filled with passion, surrounded by people and activities that truly make you feel alive. We’ll also tackle those pesky limiting beliefs that might hold you back from living your most passionate life. So, if you’re looking to boost your self-esteem, attract like-minded people, and live a life you truly love, this episode is a must-listen. Let's take this journey of self-discovery and passion-filled living together.

With Love,
Em xx

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0:00:01 - Speaker 1
Welcome to the Becoming Your Warrior podcast. This is the place where you get to feel inspired and empowered to step into your very best life. Hey, hey, this is Em. Welcome to this episode of the Becoming Your Warrior podcast. This entire season, season two, is dedicated to helping you step into your full self-worth, to actually start behaving and acting and living the life of somebody who knows their value, who knows their worth, who treats themself well, who has lots of self-love and great self-esteem. 

Today's episode is going to be about passion, so it's more about when. I'm talking about passion; it's more about this question, which is what is the thing that gets you out of bed in the morning? And that is a question that I was asked maybe eight or nine years ago, and it's just stayed with me so much Like, what is the thing that you love to do? What is the thing that you're passionate about? Whether it's getting up and going and exercising and moving your body, whether it's getting up and making the most incredible breakfast, whether it's getting up and meditating, whether it's getting up for your kids. What is it? What is the thing that drives you? What is the thing that is your passion? And this is really important to know because when you are building up your self-esteem when you are working on building up your self-esteem, your self-love, you're working towards self-worth. A really, really good thing to start to do is to work out what is it that I'm passionate about Now. It might be that right now your mind has gone blank, and that is okay, but in that instance, what I would say is maybe write down when I was seven, as in seven years old, when I was seven, I loved two and write a list of what you can remember around that seven, eight, nine-year-old age. 

So for me, when I was doing this, my biggest thing was when I was seven, eight, or nine, I was such an active kid, I loved gymnastics so much, and I loved running. I was part of the cross-country. I was just always out, I was always on my bike, I was always doing something, and what I've noticed is every time that the fog around my self-worth comes up, it generally is when I'm not doing some kind of movement. So for me, I know the biggest passion in my life is movement. I definitely know yoga is a big passion of mine and I just need to get a little bit more consistent with that because I've stepped away from it a little bit more, but I know that yoga has been such a huge part of my life and the times that I felt huge self-esteem, the times when I felt like massive, massive confidence, lots of self-love, has always been when I've had a consistent practice of yoga. So every time I come away from that consistent progress process of doing yoga, I always start to feel different. 

I also start to feel clunky, but for you, it might be that your passion is creating something. It might be that your passion is podcasting, or maybe writing or painting, or maybe it's dog walking, or maybe you just love animals. What is it that you love to do, and are you doing it? And I say this because when you are living the life that you want to live, when you are living your passions when you are fulfilling what it is that makes you happy and makes you feel up and makes you feel excited, you have higher self-esteem. You are doing the thing that you are here to do, whether it is walking dogs, whatever it is if that makes you happy. 

If you're somebody who just loves baking and you just can't explain it, you just love it so much, it makes you so happy, then are you baking? Are you doing that at the moment? And if not, why not? And I guarantee, if you're not doing it, there's some sort of limiting kind of belief in there like I haven't got time, it's a waste of time. My mum or dad used to say it was a waste of time. You know, my body's not in shape the way I need it to be to go and do that. They're just excuses. This is limiting beliefs. Playing through and limiting beliefs are the things that hold you back from stepping into your self-worth. What helps you to get more self-esteem, what helps you to love yourself even more, is when you are doing the things that, deep down, you know, make you happy and make you feel lit up. 

Here's another thing as well when you are doing these things, when you are part of this, when you are basically your energy increases because you feel happier, you're higher up the emotional scale, because you're just getting so much joy out of it and so much peace and so much calm and so much happiness, because you're doing the things that you love. And what makes you feel unhappy is when you're not doing them. You're holding yourself away from that flow of energy and that flow state, which is just like I love what I'm doing, I feel happy, I feel energized. Because I feel happy, I'm kicking out good vibes; I'm attracting great other people who are also passionate. I'm meeting people who are passionate about what they're doing as well and in terms of, you know, kind of going back to like meeting people of like-minded energy, you know, you know, when you meet somebody and they are just living their life, like, yeah, I've recently met a really wonderful person who is a rock climber, is living on the opposite side of the world from where he's from. This isn't a romantic thing just to shut that down straight away, but really, really incredible guy, and he's so into rock climbing. You know, he is living on the other side of the world so he can do that, so he can fulfill that, and he is one of the happiest people I've ever met in my life. He's so just a great guy and just so aligned, and just like his energy is just infectious, and everybody just loves him because he's just living his dream. He's living what he loves and what makes him happy. And so, when it comes to meeting people and whether this is friends or whether this is an intimate, you know, relationship that you're looking to call into your life. When you are out there, and you're doing things, and you are pushing your boundaries, and you are pushing yourself, and you're you know you're stepping out, and you're doing something that makes you feel good, you kick out that energy. People pick up on that energy. So do that. If you're not doing it, like I said, just write a list. 

What made me happy when I was like seven or eight or nine? What were the things that I loved to do? You know, was it like sewing? Was it cross-stitch? Was it the fight club? Was it? You know judo, and you know, maybe, if you don't have access to that now, what could you do? That's similar. You know, is this stuff online that you could do? Or is there, yeah, an online group that you can join? Like, what is going to get you out of bed in the morning? What is the thing? When you wake up in the morning, you're going to be like I can't wait for today. I can't wait for today because I get to go and do this, and I'm really excited about it, even if it's just for five minutes. 

So, again, you know, for me, mine's always been movement, so, like, I dance nearly every morning, and I notice the mornings. When I don't dance in the mornings, I notice it, and that's something that, like dance, is something that, when I do have a family of my own, dance in the morning and music in the morning is something that I envision in my family home. That's something that I just see as being part of a morning routine is that we all get up, we all dance, we all listen to music, we all move around. Hopefully, my family of the future kind of support that as well. But can you see, it's not just about you; it's about when you fill it up and when you feel alive. You're kicking that out to other people as well. 

So again, your self-esteem comes from actions. It comes from aligned action. Who am I when I'm at my happiest? Who do I? What do I do when I'm at my happiness, and how can I incorporate that into my life right now? So, really think about that today, really feel into that. Actually, feel into what are the things that make you happy, what are the things that make you light up when you wake up in the morning. 

If somebody said you're gonna get to do this today, what would that thing be? That would be so exciting that you just couldn't wait to get out of bed rather than like, oh, the alarm's gone off, and I can't be bothered to get out, and today's gonna suck Like, what is it? Have a think about it, feel into it, get creative, get organized, and take some aligned action to get that set up. Today sending so much love, as always, as you step into becoming your warrior, as you step into your entire self-worth, your full self-value, as you increase your self-esteem, and as you give yourself this as a gift, as self-love, because you deserve it. You absolutely deserve to live a life of passion, to live a life that's filled up with great people, great activities, with things that get you out of bed in the morning. Sending you so much love, and I will chat with you soon. Thanks so much for listening. 

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