Becoming Your Warrior

S2 Ep15 - Tips to Break Free from Negative Thinking

Emma Ritchie Season 2 Episode 14

Hey beautiful,

Have you ever been trapped in a spiral of negative thoughts that won’t let up?
Remunerative thinking that won't stop?

It can be terrifying....and it can also be stopped!

 Today, we're sharing some invaluable insights that I learned from spiritual guide, Teal Swan, on how to turn your negative thinking on its head. 

You’ll be amazed at how simply voicing your negative thoughts can help snap you out of the unending loop, sparking a new perspective on your body and its incredible daily feats. 

This isn’t merely another inspirational talk – it's a genuine call to action to nudge you towards self-love and positivity. 

Share this episode with those who could use a little positivity boost. We're not just reshaping thoughts here, but beliefs and lives. 

With Love Always,
Em xx

You can follow Emma at:

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Becoming your Warrior podcast. This is the place where you get to feel inspired and empowered to step into your very best life. Hey, hey, it's Em, and welcome to this episode of season two of the Becoming your Warrior podcast. This season is completely and utterly dedicated to the subject of self-worth and really coming back into your worthiness and living a worthy life. Living a life of high value, a life of high self-esteem, of high confidence and just going after the things that you want.

Speaker 1:

Today's episode is called Breaking the Pattern of Negative Thinking, and I really thought this was important because on this journey, you know I can be giving you tools and sharing some stories with you in each episode about how to move forward, but we really have to challenge that idea of you know, from time to time, the negative thinking is going to come up. Life isn't. It's not like you just start planning that it's all going to be like this and it's all sunshine and roses. It isn't that. There are going to be challenges on the way and it's going to sometimes take you into a place of negative thinking about yourself. So negative thoughts really are so powerful because, as I've mentioned on a few different episodes before, your thinking in repetition becomes beliefs. So let's say, every single morning I wake up and I'm like I am the sexiest girl on this planet and I say that over and over and over in my mind, in repetition over a period of time. If I say that to myself 20 times a day, I'm the sexiest girl on this planet over and over, and over and over and over, and I say that for sort of 21 days, which is, you know, the average time it takes to really build a habit. But that's my morning routine. This is actually a good one to use. Then what starts happening is my behavior is going to start reflecting that. I'm going to start behaving like somebody who knows that she's sexy. I'm going to start acting, I'm going to start talking like somebody who's sexy. I'm just going to start talking with this area of like sexy confidence.

Speaker 1:

The thing is, when you are in a negative pattern of thought, what you're doing is you're waking up each day being like I'm so unattractive you know, my body's gross, I don't like the way that I look and you're saying that in repetition to yourself over and over and over. And I'm just using body as an example because I think most people can relate to that. But you know, you might be saying things like oh, I'm never going to get that promotion at work. If you're telling yourself, let's use to use that. If you're saying to yourself, I'm never going to get that promotion at work over and over and over again. Or you're saying to yourself, I'm a really bad parent, I'm a really bad parent, I'm a terrible parent, you're going to start believing it.

Speaker 1:

Repetition, repetition of thought leads to beliefs. Beliefs lead to behavior. So you're going to start behaving as that person who believes that about themselves. So we really need to nip this in the bud. We really, really need to start nipping it in the bud.

Speaker 1:

So a really good way that I've learned over the like, on and off over the last few years but I've just kind of had it reconfirm back to me is actually by a spiritual healer by tea called teal swan. Some of you might have heard of her. She's one of those people like I find her fascinating, but she divides people. So you know, I reckon go on YouTube and have a little look at some of her stuff and see what you think. But one of the things that she says is when you find yourself in that pattern of thinking.

Speaker 1:

So if you find yourself in that pattern of thinking, being like you know, I'm just a really crap person, I'm a terrible friend, I'm not good enough, I'm never going to be good enough, you know, comparing yourself to somebody else, what you need to do is stop what you're doing and you need to say it out loud. So let's say, for example, I was saying every day, my body's gross. Okay, so in my head I'm saying, I'm looking in the mirror and I'm going my body's disgusting, my body's disgusting, I'm gross, I'm gross, I'm gross. And I'm just saying that in my head. What you do is you say it out loud. You say I'm thinking in my head over and over and over again that my body is gross. And once you hear yourself say these negative thoughts out loud, it's almost like it. It kind of shocks you out of what you're letting go on inside your mind. When it's in your mind, it's like in you know, it's like a goldfish balls just going round and round and round and round and round and round. When you actually stop it in its tracks by verbalizing and saying out loud, but also like almost saying, in a way where you're saying the repetitive thought, like even if you said this whole thing.

Speaker 1:

The repetitive thoughts that I have every single day Are that my body is gross, when in actual fact, my body is incredible. I can walk out of the house, or I can get out of the house. I can do a push up if I want to. I can, you know, I can multitask. I can, you know, put makeup on. I can, you know, comb my hair. I can pick clothes and like button up clothes. Like your body's absolutely incredible.

Speaker 1:

And just because we have this like exterior idea of what our bodies should be, it doesn't mean that you get to stand in front of the mirror and tell your body that it's gross. It's not. It's absolutely incredible. Yes, there might be some changes that you want to make to it, but they're not going to happen by you looking at your body and saying you're gross. It's not going to happen. You're going to start believing that you're gross and that's going to make you feel really low and that's going to lower your vibration. That's going to make you feel like crap. That's going to make you feel Make you feel unworthy. It's going to make you feel unlovable. It's going to make you feel like you've got to compare yourself. It's going to make you feel like you're not enough. It's pretty exhausting, huh.

Speaker 1:

So by saying out loud the negative thought and actually really clearly saying in a sentence not saying to myself, not saying out loud I'm gross or my body is gross, saying the repetitive thoughts that I've had for the last 20 minutes have been that my body is gross, can you see the power in that? And when you say out loud, you break the pattern, you break it in its tracks and you actually see it for what it is, which is just A series of thoughts spinning around your head and you stop those thoughts. Now what would be really good at this stage and just using that example of like my body is gross or whatever else, is to actually then change that completely and be like my body can do x y z. You know, this morning already my body has shown me that it can do x y z. This afternoon I'm going to go and do this and my body is going to allow me to do this.

Speaker 1:

And when you actually start positively reinforcing things or saying, every day my body is getting stronger, every day, like the movement I'm doing makes me feel good. Every day when I exercise or move my body, I'm getting dopamine and that makes me feel good Every day. I'm just starting to see subtle changes in my strength. Every day, when I choose to eat like really great, healthy, beautiful, fresh vegetables and fruits and healthy things that you know this planet provides, I feel better. I can feel my skin clearing up, like you know. I can see the positive impact that these tiny little habits that I do every single day now I'm making on my body and it feels great, feels great to know that I'm eating well. It feels great to know that I'm like prioritizing my health. Can you see the difference, like when you start talking to yourself in a really positive way and just being like I'm being really patient and I know it's coming. I know the body that I want to create is coming and I'm really excited about that.

Speaker 1:

Can you see, like how, if you woke up in the morning and you said those things to yourself in the mirror instead Number one how good you would feel, but, secondly, how your body is going to respond to those new thoughts? Because, as you program them in over and over and over again, what you're doing is creating new beliefs. I'm getting healthier. I love exercising, I love the feeling of exercising and moving my body because it's dopamine and you start to create new beliefs. You start to create new beliefs. I love exercise. I love exercise. I love eating. Well, I love, you know, eating lots of fresh fruit and veggies. I really love being healthy. I love how my skin starting to look and you start to say those kind of things to yourself. That is, that's amazing. That's the direction you want to go in create new beliefs, new thoughts on repetition. Create new beliefs in your body and then your body can do nothing else but follow, because it knows that you love it. Follow the excitement, follow the joy, follow the bliss.

Speaker 1:

And when I'm talking about exercise, I know for some people there's so many things around that you know that it can, you know, hold you back. It can be like, oh, but you know I don't want to go to the gym. I'm not talking about going to the gym and talking about moving your body. Go for a walk if you don't feel comfortable with your body. Go for a walk when it's just a little bit darker. You know if that's going to get you started, if that's going to get you moving, if that's going to get you out of the house, like just, you know, in those little niggly things that come in and kind of prevent you from moving forward. Just recognize them. It's just resistance. It's just resistance and you've got the power now to move through that because you know it's just that fog. It's just that fog in the way and you can happily just recognize it for what it is.

Speaker 1:

So my tip for today is, when you find yourself in that pattern of negative thinking, say it out loud and state it. Go the thoughts that I've been having for the last five minutes and not doing me any good. And then this, this, this, I'm comparing myself to this person, this person, this person, and it's not healthy for me and I'm ending it now and instead I'm going to start thinking this, this, this. But when you verbalize it and say out, you're breaking that pattern and that gives you the opportunity to actually go. What's the opposite of what I'm thinking and that's what I'm going to start thinking now. So breaking the pattern of negative thinking is very easy to do. When you say it out loud, break that pattern, and that gives you the opportunity and the space to then do a bit of a rethink and actually go.

Speaker 1:

I want to create new beliefs and to do that I need to start repeating really positive thoughts towards myself, and I'm starting that right now.

Speaker 1:

And it's these changes that you're making every single day, these new thoughts, these new beliefs, that are going to get you moving towards taking that aligned action. Your body is going to start responding. You're going to start making different decisions, different choices, and that's going to get you moving towards self-esteem. That's going to get you moving towards more confidence. That's going to get you moving towards self-worth, which is what this is all about. So put it into practice today. Make the commitment today to break that pattern of negative thinking, say it out loud, end it in its tracks and then start thinking about new, repetitive thoughts that are going to get you believing in yourself and moving forward, sending you so much love as always. Have the most amazing morning, afternoon, evening, wherever you are, as you continue your journey towards self-worth and to becoming your warrior. Thanks for listening today and if this episode helped or inspired you, just remember to share it to friends or family who could also use some inspiration today. We are all about sharing the love.